Welcome to Messianic Torah Voyage

This sight is for the edification of the body of Messiah.   If you are like me, you have come into this faith and at times feel like the Lone Ranger.  I hope you find this sight a resource for information and teaching that will help you along your voyage into  your relationship with YHVH God and enhance your relationship with HIM through HIS son YESHUA HA'MASHIACH.

John 1:14

The Torah became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld HIS glory, the glory of the only begotten son of the father full of grace and  truth.




Explorations and Excursions

Excursions and Explorations  are brief thoughts on scripture to provoke thought.   Obviously these are not the only lessons to be learned from these explorations, but rather, my take away at the time of this particular, often random, meditations.

Deep Dive Exploration

Unlike Explorations and Excursions,  Deep Dive exploration is a result of hours of research into scripture.  These findings are based on  hermeneutical principles, and while these studies are by no means exhaustive, they are a result of extensive  research from a number of different sources.

Captains Log

Many times  I have thoughts and I am not in a position to write it out, or can't convey the message on pen and paper.   On these occasions, I make a short video to "log" the thought.  These thoughts are spontaneous and from the heart.  

If you love ME, keep my commandments.  "And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that HE may abide with you forever, the spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees HIM not knows HIM; for HE dwells within you".

John 14:15-17

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